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May 26, 2018
Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology. B, Biology
BACKGROUND: Effectiveness of a flow-based treatment device using riboflavin photochemistry was demonstrated by cytopathic effect method using indicator viruses. However, inactivation efficacy against real blood-borne viruses needs to be evaluated, especially at nucleic acid level. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Special plasma samples with varying concentrations of blood-borne virus were selected using a strict blood selection procedure and were treated with device treatment (DT). Nucleic acid test (NAT) using polymerase chain reaction fluorescence method was used to detect virus copies. RESULTS: The NAT value of 4325 in plasma with high Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) concentrations decreased to 1330 with DT. After 100-fold dilution, the NAT value was below the NAT detection limits with DT compared with 23.0 that without DT. The NAT value of 61.9 in plasma with medium HBV concentrations decreased to 37.8 with DT, and after 10-fold dilution, the NAT value was below the NAT detection limits with DT compared with below 20 that without DT. The Ct values of plasma with low concentrations of blood-borne viruses were below the NAT detection limits with DT. CONCLUSION: There was a dose effect with DT which was effective in blood-borne viruses damaging nucleic acids to a level below the NAT detection limits.

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