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Jul 05, 2013
The recent discovery that normal and neoplastic epithelial cells re-enter the stem cell state raised the intriguing possibility that the aggressiveness of carcinomas derives not from their existing content of cancer stem cells (CSCs) but from their proclivity to generate new CSCs from non-CSC populations. Here, we demonstrate that non-CSCs of human basal breast cancers are plastic cell populations that readily switch from a non-CSC to CSC state. The observed cell plasticity is dependent on ZEB1, a key regulator of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. We find that plastic non-CSCs maintain the ZEB1 promoter in a bivalent chromatin configuration, enabling them to respond readily to microenvironmental signals, such as TGFβ. In response, the ZEB1 promoter converts from a bivalent to active chromatin configuration, ZEB1 transcription increases, and non-CSCs subsequently enter the CSC state. Our findings support a dynamic model in which interconversions between low and high tumorigenic states occur frequently, thereby increasing tumorigenic and malignant potential. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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